It has been a little over about 5 years since I discovered that I was "pregnant" with a purpose. That pregnancy provoked me to explore my personal strengths, weaknesses, fears, desires, and other attributes that I never knew I possessed. As a result, I birthed a blog and commenced my empowerment speaking. For about 5 years, I thought that everything I was doing was enough until February 8, 2020.

I was blessed with an awesome opportunity to speak at the First Annual, Her Whole Heart Conference, established by Dael Pasco. That conference was incredible, life changing, thought provoking and eye opening. Particularly, during praise and worship service on Saturday night. The Holy Spirit was present and as a result, we were ALL laid out! I am talking about laying on the floor, tears messing up our mascara, our hair all over the place and crying out to God laid out. There was a point, during praise and worship, that one of the volunteers, Precious, ran over to me from the stage and touched my belly.
While Precious touched my belly, I heard her shout, "I know you have so much in you to let out. When you do, it’s going to be something amazing" and "expansion" over and over again. Those words pierced and saturated my heart and soul in such a powerful way that tears uncontrollably rolled down my cheeks. I began to cry out to God and told Him that I was sorry for playing these past 5 years safe with my purpose. I knew what every single word that Precious spoke out loud was about and I was certain that it was God's way of telling me that being pregnant with purpose was not enough. God wanted me to walk boldly in it.
When you are pregnant with purpose, you are excited to take on the world while having a plethora amount of ideas brewing in your belly. However, just because you have something brewing inside of you does not mean that you are confident enough to birth those things out. Even though I created a website, spoke at various events and was consistent with my Monday With Joy videos, I knew that God wanted more from me but fear and intimidation were my barriers. I made a copious amount of excuses to God in order to justify why I did not start or work on some of the things that God wanted me to do. Therefore, my avoidance of God's commands caught up to me through Precious's words and at that point, I could not ignore it by brushing it to the side.

Since that conference, I discovered the following 3 things about purpose:
Knowing your purpose and walking boldly in it are two different things. Just because you know your purpose and you may do some things here and there, does not mean that you are walking boldly in it.
Walking boldly in your purpose will stretch, challenge and sometimes even scare you because it is a continuous birthing of tasks that are not dependent solely on your knowledge and strengths. For this reason, walking boldly will compel you to depend on God's grace, strength and provision.
Walking boldly in your purpose is handing ALL of your plans over to God and giving Him the permission to make whatever changes He needs to make. Even if you don't agree with the changes or believe it to make sense, you still follow God's instructions because you trust Him.
For those of you who have an idea of what God has called you to do in this current season of your life, please know that "knowing" or in other words "being pregnant" with purpose is not enough. God wants you to walk in it with boldness, authority, joy and confidence through Him. He does not want you to do the bare minimum or keep yourself confined to a box due to fear or a limited mindset. He wants you to walk so boldly in your purpose that spectators will say, "God certainly was their plug".