To empower and equip Women, and Young Adults to speak with joy despite life's circumstances in the area of FAITH, PURPOSE, and RELATIONSHIPS.

Hi I'm

I am an Author, Strategy Coach, and Empowerment Speaker

Joy Osahon was born in Nigeria but raised in Connecticut. She grew up in a traditional Nigerian home where education was EVERYTHING and dating was taboo. Her parents worked their butt off to provide for Joy and her 3 other siblings.

Heartbreak Hotel: It's Time To Check Out
Heartbreak Hotel: It’s Time To Check Out, is a book that brings to light how single women should steward their desire for marriage and singleness in practical and realistic ways. This book is not a “how to get a man or husband guide”. This book takes an inward approach that encourages women to take a moment to stop, reflect, and pivot the way they approach dating and most importantly; how they view themselves.

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